If you're dealing with charges of Assault/Battery, or even more severe charges like Aggravated Assault/Battery, it's critical to recognize the severity of these charges in Florida. Such charges, whether arising from public or domestic disputes, carry significant penalties, including potential fines and imprisonment. Navigating these charges shouldn't be a solo journey. 

Retaining a skilled attorney is pivotal for assessing and evaluating the strength of your case and determining any defenses you have, such as self-defense (stand your ground). The ramifications of a conviction for assault or battery are far-reaching, such as causing the person to have a criminal record that could follow you throughout your life. Having such a record can adversely impact your professional life, educational opportunities, housing options, access to governmental benefits, and even your immigration status, not to mention the strain it can place on your personal and social connections. Cruise Law Group is devoted to safeguarding your liberties, championing your rights, and vigorously defending you to obtain the best possible outcome. We provide a complimentary, private consultation for clients. 

Under Florida law, simple assault is a misdemeanor, escalating to a felony charge if it is an aggravated assault. An assault in Florida is defined as an intentional and unlawful threat, either verbal or through actions, to commit violence against someone else. This is paired with the capability to carry out the threat and an action that instills a genuine fear of imminent violence in the other person. An actual physical attack need not occur for an assault charge to be levied. The presence of a genuine, intentional threat that incites reasonable fear of violence in another person suffices for an assault charge. 

Aggravated Assault steps up in severity from simple assault, often involving the use of a deadly weapon or occurring alongside the commission of another felony. As a third-degree felony, aggravated assault can lead to as much as five years of imprisonment, with certain scenarios, like the use of a firearm, mandating a minimum sentence of three years due to the elevated threat level. 

Battery takes it a step further, signifying the realization of an assault. It refers to intentional, non-consensual physical contact. Battery offenses can vary in severity, with simple battery qualifying as a first-degree misdemeanor and aggravated battery reaching the level of a second-degree felony, which may entail imprisonment for up to fifteen years.

Contact Cruise Law Group to schedule a free consultation and to determine your legal options.  Call CLG at 888-332-3136